Where we are |
The Biological Agricultural Farm "Lu' Cavalire " is located in the province of Teramo, in Abruzzo (IT). Has an overall extender of 16 hectares in two piece of land, both tightly from the valley river Vomano, this river is born in the heart of the National Park d' Abruzzo. The first piece of land, of 8 hectares, is located in a small town Scerne di Pineto, that leans out on the Adriatic sea. In this land are cultivated around 2000 plants of olive trees and fruit trees. In the summer period, part of the land is used for cultivation of vegetables. The second piece of land is located in the town of Fontanelle of Atri , in the area Vallone, its altitude 150 meter from sea level. it extends for 8 hectares, where you will find 1000 young olive trees, while the rest of the land is cultivated Area cereals and vegetables. YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO VISIT OUR FARM AND IN CASE YOU HAVE ANIMALS, YOU CAN TAKE THEM WITH YOU.
Punto Vendita
Azineda Agricola Biologica Lu Cavalire Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa |