The "Habanero Chocolate" is probably one of the most known and sought-after variety among the spicy pepper lovers. It has Jamaican origins and its preciousness is due to its strong pungency (expressed in Scoville heat units up to a maximum of 300.000) combined with a fruity aftertaste and cocoa notes. It belongs to the Capsicum Chinense family and it is a very slow-growing variety as its fruits can take even 180 days to mature: this is one of the reasons that make it very precious and sought-after. In our regional dialect its hotness can be rendered with the expression “'Ngul se coce”. Its fruits are bright brown coloured and in cookery it is recommended in combination with braised meats and game.
Ingredients: Habanero Chocolate spicy peppers, extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, salt.
The Habanero Chocolate variety is distributed in 105 ml jars. il colore dei suoi frutti e’ di un marrone brillante , viene consigliato in cucina in abbinamento di carni brasate e cacciagione .